Wednesday 7 March 2007

Garfield Understand himself better

I want to move people , i want inspire people
There are doubts when she lose her confidence
She lost her insecurity and her assurance
I realise that i never change anything

The dark Sky mirrors the anguish within me
The sadness erupted bit by bit
Will the heart explore as u wait longer?
I realise no one is me and i am the only aid helper

Time ticks and a new feeling emerges
The theory of trust , the concept of suspicions
Least i understand myself better
in the theory of regret
I figure out what can i prove,
is i treasure her even more.

Friday 2 March 2007

Nature and Life

I like this a lot .

" The house was no more than forty square yards, my yard a mere twelve square yards. People tell me ," It's so small , so humble". Even so there's room to sit down in my house. An though my yard was small, i can look up at the blue skies from it: It'd big enough for me to walk aroudn the think about eternity. The sun and moon also shine there. The four seasons come to see me. And i get great pleasure from the successive visits of wind and rain. snow and sleet. Small butterflies come to dance. cicadas come to chirp, birds come to play. Quietly viewing my yard, i can find almost the riches of the universe abound in its twelve yards."

My recollections By Ikeda Sensei

I decide to reread 'my recollections' by Sensei and i really felt closer to him after i read it. Those who wants to lend this book can borrow from me. Its hard and rare to get this book already. This book is like a personal diary written by Sensei when he is still in his youth. There are interesting essays about his family and his stuggle during his youth.

Some interesting excepts:
1)Sensei's parents had actually deserted him someone when he was young in order to ward off possible misfortune. His parents had previously designated someboby to find him after they cast him away- all part of the arrangement to avoid bad luck.

2)Sensei used up all his pocket money to buy candy for everyone. That money was his mother hard-earned money as their family was very poor that that time. His teacher knowing that he had squandered away the money actually gave him some pocket money. Rather than showing gratitude, Sensei used the money to hunt for a souvenir for his mother. Later when he told mother of all the happenings , she told young Ikeda ," Don't ever forget that teacher."
I felt the incident was warm and show us what is gratitude. Sometimes we live in a world when the warm, human element in education tends to get lost.

I have decided to know what to do after my thesis.
Time to learn visual basic.
Time to learn a proper piano score beside canon in D.
Time to plan Japan trip
Dear told me to pluck lavender from Prague, mmm ok i promise one day will do it.

Story 4: The shoe story

Question : If u are catching a train and while running to get on the train, one of your shoes slipped off and fell onto the tracks, what will u do? To continue boarding the train or to pick up the shoe lst.

Answer: Remove the other shoe and threw into the tracks toward where the lst one landed.

Why: This is what Gandhi did in one of the incident on one of his tours. When asked why he did that, he replied," At least now if a poor person find the shoe lying on the track, he will end up with a good pair of shoes he can use." He believed such selfless actions was he able to truly live as a human being.