Tuesday 27 February 2007

Thesis ending. D-Day over!

What is my thoughts for today ?
My mind is enguffed with only one thing - Finish my thesis . It will be a relief for many of us after today. However, there's always a question , whats next . My year have not really started and i am surprised that March is already on its way. I am really looking forward to this year , year of suspense , year of challenges and year of hope. Year of suspense cause i did'nt even know which job scope or company i will be venturing into. But I can imagine myself wearing shirt and pants again coming this May, no more slacking , no more sleeping late and waking up , not more tutorials , no more listening to MP stories. I will definitely miss school , miss studying. Year of challenges and hope because there are many things i want to achieve. I am not scared of making mistakes , i am scared there are lack of opportunites for me to learn .

Saturday 24 February 2007



我望着远方 感到一片彷徨
为何人生 总没方向

走在创价的道路上 生命燃起了希望
是你们给我 活着的力量

你 陪着我成长
好让我 看到属于我的光芒
潮着前方的光芒 就是幸福的道路

会出现 彩虹~

( 是)你 陪着我成长
好让我 看到属于我的光芒
我永远不会忘记 请你相信

所以 我献身于广布
要和你 跟随着先生的脚步
潮着前方的光芒 就是幸福的道路


Friday 23 February 2007

Books, Books

Fighting with dissertation karma today, i just cannot managed to finish my conclusion today. I have been doing the conclusion for two weeks .Oh dear ! What had i been doing ? I must finish and perhaps time to move on to another things ..................job, planning project, marketing project , planning assignment ............Gakkai .......... time to replan my timetable !

I have the urge to finish all Jostein Gaarder books. He is the author of Shopie's world. Great author. I want to read , finding good books to nourish myself , to hit my 50 books a year target. What good books can everyone recommend to me ? I am desperate for books !

'Life is like a huge lottery in which only winning tickets are visible ' From the Orange Girl - Jostein Gaarder.

Finding a good book will be a winning ticket to me.

Thursday 22 February 2007

Story 3: What Bradley owed

One morning , Bradley put a little piece of paper on the mother's plate for mother to read.

Mother owes Bradley:
For running errands $3
For taking out the trash $2
For sweeping the floor $2
Extras $1
Total $8

His mother smiled and put $8 and another piece of paper on Bradley's plate.

Bradley owes mother
For being good to him Nothing
For shirts and shoes Nothing
For his meals Nothing
For taking care of him Nothing
Total Nothing

Bradley sat looking at the paper, without saying a word. After that , he pulled eight dollars out of his pocket and placed on his mother' s hand. He then hugged his mother tightly.

Story 2 : What is compassion ?

In harper lee " To Kill a mocking bird" , Atticus Finch offers his daughter some invaluable advice. "If you can learn a simple trick," he says ," you get'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view....until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."

Trying to put yourself into another's place , to share for a moment his or her feelings , is often the starting point of compassion. But there's more to true compassion than just emotion. To help someone, you usually have to do something, not just feel something. Compassion takes the name of action. Its means exerting yourself and bestrowing some effort for someone else's sake.

" A bone to the dog is not charity." " Charity is the bone shared with the dog , when you are as hungry as the dog." Sincerely helping someone brings the real satisfaction.

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Chinese Year New

I enjoy going back Malaysia to see my beloved grandmother who is 72 this year and all my cousins and nephews. The advantage of having a enormous house in Malaysia is everyone can gather together and mix around. ' The fact that i can only see some of them once in a year'
The picture above is my nephew. The minute i entered the house, this little boy keeps jumping onto me and keep pestering me , her mum says he is closer to me compared to her husband. One interesting fact is her husband is my cousin who is the same age as me . Thus my dad will start the same old nagging again ' U see u see , people is already a papa to two children , then u neh , still like a small boy.' I am always a small boy in my parents eyes , its invitable that we are always small children to our parents even when we have already grown up.
Can u see spot my Ah mum in the photo . And and small boy who jumps onto the chair to get himself to the photo.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Story 1: Believing in the impossible


"Alice through the looking glass" - Lewis Corroll
The dialogue between Alice and White Queen taught us to 'Believe'

'I can't believe that!' said Alice
'Can't you?' the Queen said in a pitying tone, 'Try again: draw a long breath , and shut your eyes.'
Alice laughed.'There's no use trying',she said ' one can't believe impossible things.'
'I dare say you haven't have much practice,'said the Queen.'When i was your age, i always did it for half-an-hour. Why sometimes, i've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.'

Life is constantly telling us to believe, believing also justify our existence and our strengthen our willpower to fight for something.

Valentine Day

So how did we celebrate for valentine day ? This is the lst time that we did not really celebrate our valentine day cause i have to work.

But nevertheless, the little time we have together, the special lunch Dear cook for me and the surprise gift that i give her makes our valentine day even more special than previous year.

Anyway everyday we can always say 'Sarang Haeyo' , not only valentine day.